Cookies policy

Access to the Web may involve the use of cookies, although the page may work without its use. Cookies are small files that store information in each user's browser so that the server can recognize certain information that only the server can read. The cookies last a limited time. No cookie allows you to reveal any phone, email or other identification details. Cookies can not extract any information from the user's hard drive or obtain personal information about it. The only way a user's personal information can be part of a cookie file is if the user personally gives this information to the server.
Although cookies help us to optimize your booking process, users who do not wish to receive cookies or who do not want to be informed of their visit, can configure their browser for this purpose. All Internet browsers have options available in their configuration that allow blocking or allowing cookies from specific websites.

Our page and e-mails with HTML format can use beacons and / or cookies to make statistics about the use of our website. A web beacon is an image placed in the message to inform us of the display of said message, with the sole purpose of making use statistics.
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